
Thursday, 21 August 2014

dare i say it? ....10 little quilt-y secrets

so i seemed to have taken july off from blogging, i'll blame it on summer! i was going to do a catch-up type post of what's been going on, but then i realised i'm not that interesting and there hasn't been a lot going on, mostly having pj days or escaping the noisiness of the builders (we're getting a kitchen/extension thing) so instead of a catch-up i'm going to share some quilt-y secrets a-la molli sparkles and amy at 13 spools

1. i always quilt from the top left to the bottom right! i've never understood the whole quilt from the centre thing.

2. brown fabrics are the best!! they're not boring or icky! they are almost as good as aqua (almost!)

3. i have always used steam in my iron, without steam the fabric just doesn't lay flat.

4. i have never squared up a quilt, to be honest i don't even really know what it means! 

5. i never hand-sew down my binding i always do it by machine (i hand-sewed down binding on one quilt and never again!) 

6. i don't like (and am scared of) cats! (i know that's not quilting related but lots of people post pictures of cats on quilts, so it's kinda sort-of related)

7. i don't know if i like cotton + steel, or if i only like it cause everybody else does! (of course i have bought some, just to see haha)

8. i don't use scraps! i only keep them because it's the 'thing' to do! 

9. wonky? i just don't get it, i think it's more messy than 'modern'

10. i am a pinner! i pin and over pin everything!!

so what about you, do you have any quilt-y little secrets? :)

rachael x