
Sunday, 6 April 2014

FAL quarter 1 results

so wow! the first quarter of the year is over, it actually went quite slowly!

do you remember waay back in january i made a list of some projects that i would like to have finished, lets see how i got on, considering it was a list of three you'd think they'd all be ticks well...

number 1 - finish quilting and bind my pink low volume quilt - FAIL

number 2 - turn this panel into a cushion for my brother - TICK

and you can see the finished cushion here

number 3 - piece, baste, quilt and bind the giant star quilt - FAIL 
i suppose that one was just a tad optimistic!

so looking at my list its 1 out of 3 which yanno isn't great! perhaps next quarter will be better


  1. Good luck for Q2, you've had other stuff going on so don't be too harsh on yourself.

  2. Kerry is too generous - I think that's really poor! (Joking x). There's always Q2 xxx

  3. At least you got one! Be encouraged. I hope to link up this time

  4. Don't worry, I finished one out of four, that was an easy knitting one, but I have missed the linky up date party thing.
