
Monday, 28 October 2013

a wall jumped out behind my car

yay! its monday and i have no college!! and it's (kinda) sunny! double yay!!

i may have got a bit carried away with the a beautiful mess app
you may have noticed at the top of my blog that a new little button has appeared, yes i have opened an etsy shop! see i would like 'the floral suitcase' to be my business, it's like soo scary putting that out there, but i'm slowly learning not to be scared anymore. i also have a facebook business page, i don't use normal facebook but it is soo fun for business purposes.

i regularly attend craft fairs to sell all my handmade items and i have to say i love doing craft fairs you meet soo many great people and they also get your 'business' out there. when most people see my stall they either think i didn't make all the items or i'm just doing this as a hobby, which makes me feel kind of stupid. by telling you all this i'm hoping it will give me the courage to tell people that no it is not just a hobby but that it is my business!

my most popular items are my animal cushions and these aren't even all of them, i have loved making each one and making them all a little bit unique. I have been running my business for a few months now and i love everyday of it, some days are harder than others but it's worth it to be working at something that i am passionate about and want to do, i'm still in the early, learning stages but each day i ;earn something new and have so many great people helping, and supporting me through it all :)

probably my most favourite cushion ever!!

rachael x

p.s this post took me 3 hours to write


  1. You go girl! NEVER be ashamed of your amazing God-given talent and well done for being courageous and putting yourself out there! I wish you every blessing in your new business venture! Jxo

  2. Rachael I love your cushions because they are so whimsical and that Badger has me swooning every time. well done for making the stop to open two new sites and sell your delicious wares. Can you drop me an email at as you have signed up to host Sunday Stash this week on your blog, but I can't access your email address. Cheers, Fiona

  3. Nothing wrong with selling your lovely items and being proud of it! I wish you all the best in your business (ad)venture!!!

  4. May you know nothing but success in your wonderful venture!
    Do not allow anyone to make you feel stupid. You are gifted and enjoy that fact.
    Remember you have had the courage to set up your business. At least you'll never
    look back and say to yourself "IF ONLY"
    From Sheila in County Kerry!

  5. Woohoo! Welcome to the business world! Congratulations on the new shop! X you clever clever lady!

  6. Hello :) got sent over from Judith's blog! Everything is totally gorgeous! You will do well! Hugs x

  7. hello! I popped in from Jude's blog and I am glad I did! I love everything you have made. You have a great sense of style that really comes over and those animal cushions are fantastic! Great to meet you! x Oh and go you on the fairs I have never had the confidence to one :))

  8. Etsy is good fun, glad to see you over there- I sold a $500 quilt there not long ago!

  9. Rachel, I've just headed over to your fb page and was taken aback at your 1,209 followers when you've only been on there since May 2013 - if you don't mind me asking, how have you promoted yourself to achieve those numbers so quickly? That's pretty awesome growth - good luck with your ventures :D

  10. Good on you, I'm sure you will do very well, love love love the projects in this post. I wish you every success in this venture. Off to check out your fb page. X
