
Monday, 22 July 2013

c the goose

well this past weekend i was at the fat quarterly retreat *insert excited squeals here* and i didn't take any pictures, not even one! bad rachael!!

it was amazing! meeting so many great bloggers and the best part all the accents, it was brilliant. actually every bit of the weekend was the best part. you know how at like a dinner party you're asked what 3 famous people you would want to meet? well i got to meet 1 of mine, the very talented katy,which i have to say was scary, she's like a proper celebrity, ahhh!! it was also great meeting all the other *celebrity* bloggers :)

i took part in the sample swap, and got like super lucky with the group i got

aren't they just lovely?! from left to right: pincushion from mary. fabric basket from sue. pezzy pouch from metro quilter and liberty pincushion from hadley!!!

i was soo excited to be in hadleys group, cause it means i got a liberty pincushion. aahhh! it's so, wow! that was another great part of the weekend, meeting hadley :)

now onto the classes 

stamp carving with tacha, which is actually harder than it looks. as you can see i made a smiley cloud, cause everyone needs a smiley cloud stamp haha

portholes with lu summers, oh she is such a hoot, i absolutely loved this class and will definetly be making lots of portholes cause really they're like almost magic, really they are! and because i have to be different i decided to make a cloud (yes i like clouds)

but it sorta turned out like a deformed flower / amoeba thingy, but i'm hoping to turn it into a raindrop and cloud quilt.

and because i just couldn't stay away from lu, i also took her hand-quilting class, cause i love all her hand-quilted quilts, they're a.m.a.z.i.n.g. my stitches are a tad wonky but that just adds to the handmade look and i'm hooked i think i'll be hand-quilting everything now :)

i also did the jammie bottoms class, but they're not finished, as soon as they are you'll be the first to know!

this is only part 1 of 2, so yaayy!! there's another post coming, but right now i'm declaring war on a moth in my bedroom...

rachael x


  1. It was good to catch up with the girl with the Ulster accent too! Looks like you had some fun classes. Di x

  2. Love your cloud! Loved meeting you too.

  3. You really are completely crazy - but that's good! Lovely to meet you - here's to buying more Liberty together next year! xxx

  4. You really struck lucky in the sample swap!! Looks like an amazing weekend :)

  5. Ooooo nice swap scores! Glad you enjoyed your FQR adventure and meet your celeb heroes!

  6. Lovely swapsies! So pleased you enjoyed yourself! I've a moth in my room too! Jxo

  7. Such lovely swap goodies! Glad you had a squealing good time.

  8. Wow you did good! I really like your portholes.

  9. Lovely to meet you Rachael! Great swaps and I love your porthole clouds, Sarah x

  10. I've been following all the IG photos and it 'almost' felt like I was there with you ;) Glad you had a fab time and looking forward to reading your next post about it :)

  11. Love the swaps you got! Obviously missed out on meeting you but next time maybe!??

    Your wee cloud is cute!
